Doctor Player has written numerous interesting and informative articles relating to various health issues, some of which appear in a question and answer format. Following is a partial list of some of these articles. Just click on the link for the full article.
Unless otherwise noted, all articles are authored by Dr. Susan Player and are copyrighted.
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Lead in Children's Lunch Boxes?
The Center for Environmental Health (CEH) recently filed lawsuits against makers and retailers of soft vinyl lunch boxes that can expose children to harmful levels of lead...
A Tip for Anyone You Know Who Wears Braces
When someone has braces put on their teeth, and every time they are tightened the forces on the teeth and bones can create pain, as well as causing a mini-trauma to the bones...
Different Causes Of Childhood Earaches
Question: A lot of children - nieces, nephews, neighbor kids - seem to be having ear infections most of the time. One of my nephews is on antibiotics almost every month and I’m concerned. Do you treat children for this?...
Ultrasound - More Than Just Sound Waves/Prenatal Care
Question: My daughter is pregnant with our first grandbaby and I have a concern about her pre-natal care. Her doctor has her scheduled for at least three ultrasound examinations during her pregnancy. We never had any and now it seems like everyone gets them. Am I already turning into an over-protective grandma or is there valid reason for my concern?...
Practical Solutions To "Sugar-Ween"
Question: One of my new friends mentioned that you had an article that addressed the whole Halloween sugar-blitz problem. Could you please review that for me?....
Vaccination Options
Question: Dr. Player, it’s almost school time again and I am troubled by the “mandatory” vaccination policy for school age children. Up to this point my five-year-old son hasn’t been vaccinated but now I don’t know what to do. Do you have any suggestions?...
Healthy School Lunches
Question: My daughter just started school again, and I’m freaking out about how to provide healthy lunches for her. Last year I relied on the microwave at her school. From reading your previous article on microwaves, I really want to quit using them. Do you have any suggestions to help us with this transition?
New Baby Exam
Question: Do you still do new baby exams? If so, what kind of things do you check for that would be different from a regular pediatrician?
Why Do So Many People Have Their Tonsils Removed?
Question: Dr. Player, my daughter has had a series of very bad sore throats and her pediatrician is recommending that her tonsils be removed. What are tonsils and why have so many people had them removed?...
Choosing An Infant Carrier Seat
Question: Dr. Player, I just had a new baby and am still getting used to all the paraphernalia that is now a part of my life. Things are going pretty well except that I have attention on my baby's neck when she is in her infant carrier. It is almost always tipped a lot to one side or the other and definitely doesn't look comfortable. Any ideas?...
Choosing The Best Baby Stroller
Question: Your past article on infant car seats helped me a lot. Thank you! Do you have info on strollers, as well?...
Why Fevers Are Good, And How To Treat Them
Question: Dr. Player, my children rarely have fevers, but I find that when they do, I get confused about how to help them. Could you please give me some guidelines and natural recommendations to address fevers?...
Safe Fish List
Here is an easy-to-follow table that allows you to see which fish are common sources of mercury...
Why I Don't Recommend Using Microwave Ovens At All
I have been investigating the effects of microwave ovens for a few years, both in scientific literature as well as with my own testing. I used to say that it was okay to use microwave ovens for occasional use, but now I DON'T RECOMMEND THEIR USE AT ALL. Here's why...
Drinking Water Guidelines
Question: How much water do I need to drink daily? Also, does it need to be water or is juice ok?
Athletic Shoes
How to know when to replace them...
General Advice
Recently I received a request for general advice for good health from a local orthopedic surgeons’ group. Having put this all together for the doctors, I realized I should share the data with you, too...
How Sunscreen Can CAUSE Cancer
I'm sharing a short article from the ALTERNATIVES Newsletter by Dr David Williams. The data is so useful I wanted to pass it on. (Dr. S.P.)
More About Aluminum - Cookware You Can Live With
Question: Dr. Player, I have read your articles about the toxicity of aluminum cookware and changed ours about a year ago. However, I still use some non-stick pans, especially for eggs and pancakes. Is it true that these aren't really great either?...
Antiperspirants & Deodorants
Question: All of the antiperspirants that I have looked at contain aluminum. Do you have any recommendations of what to use?...
The Depression Controversy
Tom Cruise has recently taken a very strong anti-psychiatry position in the media. I have been asked by many patients, family members and friends if I agree with him...
The main problem with this product stems from its ingredients and their breakdown products. The ingredients include methyl alcohol (also known as wood alcohol) which is a chemical that breaks down at many different temperatures into formaldehyde...
Fire Ant Bites
Question: Dr. Player, we’ve recently moved to Florida from up north. I keep hearing about fire ant bites. Thankfully, I’ve not experienced one yet, but if I or my family get one is there anything natural that helps to handle it?...
How Can I Help You?...
Here are some of the specific ways in which the work I do can be utilized...
My Chiropractic Internist Training
Question: Could you give me a better idea of exactly what types of things you have studied in your chiropractic internist training?...
A New Kind Of Patient
Most people, including many of my own patients, have come to expect much less of their doctors. Most people are not tuned in to minute changes in their bodies and don't expect a doctor to be so, either. Well, I am a different kind of doctor and that requires you to be a different kind of patient...
You Don't Have To "Live With It"
Conditions that people are told they "have to live with," or "wait until it gets worse so surgery can be done," or "its all in your head," or "that's to be expected at your age," or "it can only be controlled with drugs" are regularly being fully corrected in our friendly, antique-filled office...
Levels Of Health And Available Treatments
After an initial evaluation my first priority is to educate my patients on the lifestyle changes that one can make right away. Many of these are simple and can be implemented gradually...
Advanced Studies Make A Difference!
In the last 2 or 3 weeks I have had an enormous appreciation for the advanced studies that I have done in the field of natural medicine...
Real Doctors
The tide is turning. Many people now realize that their "real" doctor is the person who doesn't give them drugs and remove body parts....
Blood Tests
Your regular doctor may do a blood test to rule out various diseases, but what about that gray area between health and disease?
A HUGE Breakthrough In Treating Patients!
The possibilities for helping people now are truly endless and it IS exciting!
Core Level Supplements
A good part of the success of my practice is due to the core level supplements I recommend to my patients...
Facial Diagnosis
Different areas of the face can definitely give one clues to how one’s body is working internally. This data is based on Oriental medicine and has been very accurate and helpful in my practice over the years...
Where Are Your Medical Records?
I’m going to break with tradition and address something that I feel is important, yet has never come as a question from my readers. I hope to have you change an operating basis that most people have regarding medical tests...
Organ Times
I remember that in a long-ago article you mentioned something about different times of the day being related to different body parts. Could you tell me which times relate to which organs?
Does Susan Treat (fill in the blank)?
Over the years I have frequently been asked, “Do you treat (fill in the blank)”? Sometimes they are asking about a very common condition such as eczema or sinusitis. Sometimes they ask me about a condition that sends me to the dictionary, because not only have I not treated someone with that, I haven’t even heard of it!
Seasonal Flu? It’s Really More “Sugar-Flu"
There is a certain time of the year when a lot of people get runny noses, sore throats, coughs, swollen glands and low-grade fevers. This "flu season" (that's the way it's promoted) runs from about mid-October through the spring.
Three ways to recognize if someone has had a Stroke
Tip from Susan: This is vital information I want you to have, and hopefully you will never need. If a person has had a stroke, the sooner he or she receives treatment, the better the chance of recovery.
A Tip for Anyone You Know Who Wears Braces!
When someone has braces put on their teeth, and every time they are tightened the forces on the teeth and bones can create pain, as well as causing a mini-trauma to the bones...
Allergy Relief Without Drugs - You May Have Allergies And Not Know It!
Allergies that go undetected by conventional medicine's testing can also cause the body to degenerate and "get old" faster. When people think of allergies, they think of stuffy sinuses, blood-shot eyes, a runny nose and fits of sneezing. Other symptoms that can also be caused by allergies include...
Allergies, In Depth - What Can Be Done About Allergies?
Question: Dr. Player, in reading your articles and speaking with your patients I hear talk of allergies a lot. Are they really that common?...
Is It The Flu Or Allergies?
Question: Dr. Player, I keep hearing about the flu going around, but my symptoms don't respond to over-the-counter cold and flu preparations or skin creams. Could this be something else?...
Flu (Sugar) Season
Although some people truly "catch" a virus during "flu season," over the years I've observed other situations that manifest the same symptoms. Knowing the cause of the symptoms is key in knowing how to address them...
Decreasing Cholesterol Without Taking Drugs
Question: I've been working on decreasing my cholesterol and triglyceride levels in my blood. My M.D. is strongly recommending that I start taking drugs to bring this under control. As I've never taken drugs on a regular basis for anything, I really don't want to start now. Is there anything that you could do to help me?...
Old Injuries - Should I Just "Learn To Live With It?"
One of the main techniques of treatment that I use was developed specifically to address old, unhealed injuries…
Beating The Heat Of Summer
Question: I just can’t seem to take the summer heat this year. What can I do to feel cooler?...
Leg Cramps and Mineral Imbalances
Question: On and off for months now I've been having leg cramps. I've been taking calcium and it isn't helping much, if any. Is there something else I could look into?...
A lot of women get really bad low back and/or butt pain when their periods start. I also had what they called back labor when I delivered my child. Does this make sense and are they related, and what can be done to make periods easier?...
When To See An M.D.
Question: From reading your articles it seems that you address a lot of different health situations. Do you think it is ever necessary to see an M.D.?
Detoxification - The Honeymoon Theory
Question: It seems that whenever I do something in an attempt to be healthier, at some point into the program I begin to feel really terrible and then I quit and this doesn't seem to make sense. I'm really frustrated. Can you explain this?...
What Could Cause A Lymph Node To Swell?
Question: I have a lymph node in my neck that is almost always a little big and a little tender. I know that can be caused by having an infection but it doesn't seem to be what's going on. Are there other things that can cause a lymph node to act like this?