Allergies, In Depth - And What Can Be Done To Relieve Allergies?

Q: In reading your articles and speaking with your patients I hear talk of allergies a lot. Are they really that common?
A: Yes, they are! Conservative medical estimates are that 60% of the population has some type of allergy. Many more progressive doctors that work in this field feel that the number is closer to 80% or even higher.
What many people don't realize is that allergies are the cause of, or strong contributing factor in many ailments that are normally thought of as incurable. Conditions such as arthritis, heart and lung problems, migraines, skin problems like psoriasis and eczema, and hyperactivity all have strong ties to allergies, especially to foods. Digestive problems like ulcers and colitis also respond amazingly to correct allergy detection. Fortunately, people who have serious immune related diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma (a thickening of the tissues that can eventually lead to death) can also make huge strides in their care when this area of their health is addressed.
The tricky part to this can be the detection process. There are at least five different pathways by which a body can physically develop an allergy. The allergy testing method many people are aware of is skin testing. This is the common method used by allergists wherein a small amount of a substance is either injected just under the skin or scratched on the surface. If a redness or swelling develops in that area an allergy is diagnosed.
Unfortunately, this type of test only detects one of the five possible pathways for contracting an allergy – inherited allergies. Patients are usually aware of this type of allergy as it causes quite immediate reactions, such as hives. However, this type only accounts for about 10% of all allergies. As you can see, there is a huge gap in the testing if this is the only detection method used.
The other pathways of developing an allergy comprise 90% of all allergies and can be detected by advanced kinesiology (muscle testing) or specific blood tests. These testing methods detect delayed reaction and acquired allergies and are available at my office.
When these allergies are detected, if the patient avoids the substance or is desensitized to it by certain methods that I am trained to do, the difference in health can be like night and day. As more and more physicians become aware of this aspect of health care, the costs for detecting and treating many chronic and debilitating conditions will be greatly reduced. And the best part is how much better the patients feel!
What can be done to relieve allergies?
Here is what one of Dr. Player’s Patients said:
“Thank you so much, Susan! I have suffered with dust mite allergies for the past three years. I was also bloated and had poor circulation down my legs and a knot in my right ankle that was sore to the touch and my veins were very dark. They looked like they would burst open. After my first treatment was over the knot in my right ankle was smaller and within three weeks it had disappeared and my veins looked normal and my circulation had improved. I was able to go off of my allergy medication for a period of six days, then one day on. My bloatedness has disappeared and I feel and look so much healthier. I even lost six pounds – Thanks, Susan.” - M.L.S., Marco Island, Florida
[Doctor's note: After this patient's second treatment, the patient has been off the allergy drugs for three weeks and counting.]