These are just a very few of the many testimonials and success stories on hand from Dr. Player's patients. We hope you enjoy reading them and seeing what they have to say about our services. We would love to add your success story, too!
To contact us, call 727-449-0121.

I have twice now come to Susan for peeling skin on my hands that no amount of lotion or creams would handle. Both times, there was a food allergy and supplements needed. Both times I did what she said and in a couple of weeks (after months of trouble) it was handled. Thank you.
My daughter is highly allergic to bug bites. Every time she got bit, we would have to give her Benadryl to keep the swelling to a minimum. Dr. Player recommended that I give her the homeopathic, Apis. It works! We barely have to give her Benadryl anymore. The Apis works quickly and minimizes the swelling. Not to mention, my daughter likes it much better than the yucky taste of Benadryl. We are now using Apis for the whole family. It works just as quickly on me! I have suffered my entire life with bug bites that turn into hives. The Apis works quickly so the bites no longer turn into hives. Now, we can have relief from the Florida bugs without the sleepy side affects of the Benadryl. Thanks Susan! You have made it much better to live with the Florida mosquitoes.
Susan has helped my allergies tremendously!! A terrible chicken allergy was affecting me in multiple ways as well as other foods I was eating and unaware of. Now I can have chicken with no side-effects. Also, my allergies to cat fur are gone, allowing me to be closer to my pets. With Susan’s accurate methods, I’ve also eliminated aluminum in my body by changing cookware and deodorants. Without Susan, I’d still be a walking toxic allergy victim. Thanks so much!!
For the past seven years, since the birth of my only child, I have been chronically ill. My symptoms included pressure hives, asthma, fatigue, depression, abdominal distress, chills, hot flashes, anxiety, and migraines and chronic cough, and erratic menstrual cycles with severe cramps. Two months ago I met Dr. Player. After her examination and discussion about candida I changed my diet, started taking vitamins and supplements to control the yeast, and started feeling better. My hives have subsided completely, I breathe better and I am no longer depressed or anxious.
I had seen many conventional doctors who didn't have a clue as to what was wrong. I had test after test to no avail. I had been on more medication than most people ever heard of, primarily steroids, asthma inhalers and antihistamines, none of which ever worked. I know it will take time to undo the damage that these drugs caused, but I strongly feel I am now on the road to recovery without medication. I just wish I had met Dr. Player several years and seven doctors ago. Thank you Susan.
Today my body was treated for an allergy to chocolate. As a result of this allergy there were several other allergies. Susan handled the chocolate and the end result was quite amazing -- all of the other substances showed negative sensitivity. After the treatment I felt lighter and more smiley. Pretty neat. Thanks Susan.
After two years in the Peace Corps in Honduras and then two months of traveling Overland in Central America and Mexico my body had had enough, was close to completely breaking down. I had terrible neck aches which would eventually trigger episodes of vomiting, stomach disorders, my eyes often felt swollen and achy and just generally did not feel up to par.
So -- last week I first visited Dr. Player's office. I was amazed to say the least at what she found -- mostly it dealt with allergies. I had no idea. I thought of allergies as stuffy noses and sneezing.
Dr. Player treated these allergies and now it has been a complete turnaround. My neck is no longer giving me problems, my digestive system is on its way to its old self, my eyes are fine and I just plain ol' feel much better and happier!
Energy & Vitality

During my senior year in college, I was struggling to keep up with my work because I was so tired and in so much pain all the time. I did my own research online and thought I know exactly what was wrong. I was sure that I was going to have to drop out of school and work with doctors to get better. When I was discussing all this with one of my professors, he told me about Dr. Susan and what she had done for his wife. When I started coming to see Dr. Susan, she put me right at ease, and got to the root of the problem. She was very confident with what she was doing and I started seeing improvement right away. I was able to stay in school and I now feel better than I have in years.
For the first time in, actually ever since I can remember, I have lost interest in sweets!! We’re talking amazing here. Till now I would have to have something sweet on a daily basis. Now, I'm not interested. Also I haven't experienced the usual 3:30 daily "low" that I had grown accustomed to and usually had to handle -- with something sweet!
The best part of all? I got these phenomenal results after only three treatments with Susan. So it's good you’re reading this because she's the best.
- D.G.
Susan is Incredible! Recently had an immediate need of Doctor visit as was completely exhausted physically and just could not do anything more. This was the day before moving from one house into a new one. Thank goodness I chose Susan, (or may have received antibiotics from a “regular” Doctor) as she was able to help with a 20-30 minute visit and supplied me with core level dietary supplements. I was able to handle a 9-hour moving day without problem and definitely could not have done this without her help. Thank you.
- C.D.
After my last treatment from Dr. Susan Player my body relaxed in numerous areas that I was not even aware were chronically tense. It was quite a wonderful relief to not be so tense. I also just had a general tremendous feeling of well being, incredibly increased energy and I went to work right afterward and was [very productive], not even noticing how very much I produced with no effort. Thanks- this was very nice.
- L.H.
I had a bout with low energy and so I came to see my one and only doctor, Susan and she as always fixed me up. I could feel the difference right after my treatment and then along with the supplements it’s continued.
Through the years coming to Susan I realize how she really represents a true doctor and that you should feel good after leaving a doctor’s office just as I always seem to do. She really is everything I want and respect in a doctor. I trust her with my life. Thank you so very much Dr. Player.
- G.A.

My husband suffers from occasional, very bad migraines. When the migraines occur we usually have to go to the hospital for treatment. A couple of weeks ago, he got one of his horrible migraines. He was miserable and extremely nauseous. I gave him a homeopathic that Susan recommended for nausea. Usually nothing helps. After a couple of doses he was much better. He actually never got sick. Thanks for saving us a trip to the hospital!
I came in first with terrible migraine headaches. I was on several different pain medications for relief. Sometimes medication worked, sometimes it didn't. I wasn't sleeping well, never slept for more than two hours at a time. My sister, Sandra, brought me to see Dr. Player, and after the first treatment I went home and have had no migraine headaches since. All around I'm a much happier and relaxed person. I love my Doctor Susan. She is a miracle.
Once again Dr. Player made the correct diagnosis. When I came to Susan I could barely walk, by the next evening I was nearly 100%. The next evening I returned with an excruciating headache; after her treatment I felt 50% better, by the next morning it was completely gone. Dr. Player you are a miracle worker. Thank you for all your successful treatments you have given me.
- J.G.
I made it! For the 1st time in almost 3 years, I didn't get the monthly horrible headache. Thanks Susan, you are the best!

For the past seven years, since the birth of my only child, I have been chronically ill. My symptoms included pressure hives, asthma, fatigue, depression, abdominal distress, chills, hot flashes, anxiety, and migraines and chronic cough, and erratic menstrual cycles with severe cramps. Two months ago I met Dr. Player. After her examination and discussion about candida I changed my diet, started taking vitamins and supplements to control the yeast, and started feeling better. My hives have subsided completely, I breathe better and I am no longer depressed or anxious.
I had seen many conventional doctors who didn't have a clue as to what was wrong. I had test after test to no avail. I had been on more medication than most people ever heard of, primarily steroids, asthma inhalers and antihistamines, none of which ever worked. I know it will take time to undo the damage that these drugs caused, but I strongly feel I am now on the road to recovery without medication. I just wish I had met Dr. Player several years and seven doctors ago. Thank you Susan.
Dr. Player made me feel “alive” again. I've been fighting candida, food allergies for months. I came to see her and she found a lot of why's I'm feeling yuck. She handled them and I'm feeling like my old self again. I recommend her highly and can't wait to see her again.

A few months ago I brought my daughter in for a reflux problem. She was 6 ½ months at the time, and spit up A LOT at least 3 times a day.
Susan treated her and gave me home instructions, and within a week the reflux was 99.9% gone. Now, she’s 8 months old and only has a small reflux incident 1-2 times per month. It is a huge improvement and I am very happy about it!
My 5-yr old son sprained his toe at school. He came home hopping on one foot. The next day, when he still could put no weight on his foot (still hopping), and when I noticed his whole foot was red and hot, and the toe was very swollen, I decided to take him to see Susan! She examined him (including touching the toe which I had not been able to do), confirmed that it was sprained but not broken, and then treated him. He got up and walked out of her office—no lie! He next day the redness and swelling were gone, and the day after that (1.5 days after treatment) he was running around, bending his toe, and forgot he’d even had a sprain! It sure seemed like a miracle to me!
A couple of months ago, my husband got a job offer up in Tennessee. My 7 year old daughter, who is a patient of Susan’s, was so upset that Dr. Susan would not be her regular doctor anymore. We still have family down here, so we will be visiting a lot. My daughter made me promise that when we are in town, we can come see Susan. Susan is so great with kids! It is so nice when my daughter gets so excited to go to the doctor! Not many parents can say that!! We will miss you Susan, but will definitely come see you when we are in town!
“My daughter has seen great improvements in her immune system when we identified how much the fluoride in our water was interfering with her body. She was chronically sick – 22 months out of the 24 months she was on the planet. Since we treated her at Susan’s and changed the water she has only had one small cold in the 9 months since.
“Thanks Susan.”
“It’s true! Dr. Player really does handle everything! My daughter is doing better now then she has been in the past 6 months! Thanks Dr Player, Francesca and Cal!”
I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for seeing my daughter and making her feel so much better. I brought Lexi to see you for a newborn exam when she was about 4 weeks old. I forgot to mention to you that she was having some problems with her nose – making a “snorting” noise. But you noticed it and “handled” it after the exam and when I got home my husband even noticed right away that her breathing sounded better. She is doing fantastic! Thank you very much!
- Lexi & Mommy Cooper
Thanks for always being “right on” about what is going on with my kids bodies. It's such a relief to know that the problem can be determined and a plan to get rid of it. I always think of you first when the kids complain of some body ailment. I just wish we could have “you” in a bottle on the shelf at home.
-L.A. mother of six
I feel real good now. When I first came to Doctor Player I was having trouble sleeping, but now it's so much better. And I feel more rested, and I know my mommy is happy. I also had an allergy to barley, but we got that all fixed up. So what can I say? I'm ready to conquer the world! Thank you doctor Susan.
-Love, J.K.
Babies And Pregnancies

I want to thank you for the newborn exam. I was amazed at how quickly your suggestions helped! Dylan stopped with the gas immediately following my switching my drinking water. I tell all of my friends and family about the success!
Much love,
-Heather Tapia
My newborn daughter was sick and I was so worried as I didn’t know what was causing her symptoms. All I knew was that as the mom, it was my job to figure it out and help her to feel better. I didn’t know how. A friend of mine recommended that I call Dr. Player, as she was an expert at finding the underlying cause of health conditions and providing solutions that actually fix the problem without drugs and surgery. I took her advice and I was so glad that I did. Susan took the time to listen and care about my daughter and I. She asked all of the right questions, found the cause, and gave me exact instructions on what to do in order to make my baby well. It really worked, and our lives went back to normal quickly. Words cannot describe the appreciation I feel for Susan and what she has done for my family and I. Thank you Susan, from the bottom of my heart!
Dr. Player has helped me ovulate regularly again, which has not happened since my daughter was born 6.5 years ago. My hormones have been completely off balance since then. Dr. Player has been working with me to get my hormones balanced for the last 3 months. I have ovulated 3 consecutive months since my first treatment. And, not to mention, I am not having any horrible PMS symptoms which plagued me in the past.
- A.N.
I was experiencing pain in my right shoulder area, it was dull pain all day. I could not sleep the night before because I couldn’t find a comfortable position for my arm to lay. After Dr. Player’s treatment & supplements, my drive home was more pleasant. In her office I couldn’t raise my arm above elbow height, by the time I reached home, for me is 2 hours, I could move it up over my head. Whatever she did was truly amazing.
Thanks to Dr. Player I’m feeling much better.
For the past week or so I’ve been feeling very nauseous every morning, yes possibly morning sickness. I couldn’t eat anything more than toast for breakfast. Susan treated me last night and this morning I was able to eat two eggs and a bagel! My stomach was fine! Thank you Susan, you’re wonderful!
- M.T.
It is of special concern when you're tiny little baby (whom you love more than anything in this world) has something going on with them physically -- even a seemingly small problem can cause concern.
Well, my little babe has been handled so expertly by Dr. Player. Allergy? Quickly spotted and handled. The result: no more allergy! Teething problems? Handled, body treated, correct homeopathic remedy indicated. Result: Kid gets relief, parents get relief! Constipation? All my son had to do was GO to Dr. Player's office and he pooped four times! My child wouldn't stop throwing up, we took him to Dr. Player's and within twelve hours it was handled.
Now you have to understand that this is all without drugs, x-rays, or any other invasive treatments. All very gentle handlings. To date my son is exceptionally happy, healthy, stunning. We owe a lot to our best friend and doctor, Susan. We love you!
My son was born with a hard cyst on his head. The pediatrician was talking about having to do head x-rays and possibly surgery if it continued to get bigger. It was growing until Dr. Player gave him a treatment. It immediately stopped growing. That was six months ago. Now it has completely disappeared with no further complications. Very well done Dr. Player!
-L. D.
I was having a terrible bout of morning sickness (2 months pregnant) and came to see Dr. Player. Within five minutes she knew what was going on and what I needed. By the time the last homeopathic pill had dissolved under my tongue, the queasiness was completely gone! And that stuck, I haven’t had anymore morning sickness since that day, and I’m now 13 months pregnant. Thank you Dr. Player, for curing in five minutes, what’s been plaguing women for ages!
Sleep Disorders

For the past 7 years, I have had trouble sleeping. I always had to take an over the counter sleep aid. Dr. Player put me on Magnesium. I have started taking 2 before bed at night. Finally, I am falling asleep! The Magnesium not only helps me fall asleep quickly, but also helps me stay asleep. I now feel as though I am getting much better rest through the night. The best part is that I don’t wake up tired anymore! The Magnesium works quickly without the side effects of the sleep aid. Thanks Susan!
With me moving, and out of my element, I could not sleep at all! When I finally remember everything you told me (see, I did listen!) I started taking more magnesium a couple of hours before bed and started shutting off my TV (which is very hard to do). Not only was I falling asleep easier, but the quality of my sleep was much better. I used to always fall asleep with the TV on, but now I don’t even want to, knowing how the quality of my sleep was being compromised. I am now waking up more restful and not feeling tired anymore. I am actually not drinking coffee right now…imagine that!
I came to see Susan because I was having problems sleeping (menopause and stress)! I was haggard and exhausted and was waking regularly at 2, 3, or 4 a.m. and lying awake for hours!! Susan tested me and gave me 2 supplements. Wow! In less than a week I was sleeping again!! Thank you Susan~ you’re always spot on!!
For the past 2 weeks I haven't been able to go to sleep before 1 am, no matter when I woke up. It's been tiring. Yesterday Susan treated me and worked on a gland that affects sleep. Last night I fell asleep on my couch at 11 pm and slept for 10 hours!! What a difference a full night's sleep makes! Thanks you so much Susan!
- M.T.
I've been wanting to write and thank you profusely for all your help in getting me back on my feet. You're a true miracle worker. I can't believe I'm the same person of just two months ago. It's wonderful to be sleeping through the night and have a sense of calm throughout the day. Everyone says I look great and I must say I feel fantastic! All those “things” you did and the nutrients just somehow got my system really functioning and I've been raving ever since. Thank you so very much for all your TLC, knowledge, and giving me my health back. I miss you and will see you as soon as I return to Palm Harbor.

When I first came to Susan I was very symptomatic. I had no idea what was wrong, but I just felt dead all over. Susan never made me feel stupid or too needy. She listened, really listened. She was able to identify where the problems were, what was causing them, and how to help my own body heal. I am still a work in progress, but I have more good days then bad. And I am getting closer to my goal of being medicine free! My thyroid is getting better with treatment and supplements. And, doctors told me I would be on meds the rest of my life! HA! Thank you, Susan.
I had a long-term problem with my thyroid in the true meaning of “long-term” and having no solution because even the best doctors at home in Germany told me that there is no solution and no understanding of that particular symptom. I disagreed with this because there must be a reason why this organ reacts inflamed and is attacked by my own immune system. Susan found the reason for that reaction. I was super happy just by that information alone because that was the truth and now I could do something about it. Mercury poisoning– that is indeed a reason for the body to react. During several treatments and natural supplements, my body started handling the problem and getting the metal out. I could still jump up to the sky that I have a true and easy solution and that Susan helps me in handling that. She is simply the best, finding the underlying reasons for a disease and it is now reduced to simplicity. That is what I like! Besides that, I had so much fun coming to the office, everyone is so relaxed and positive. Thank you all so much for your care and help! See you soon!
-S.M., Germany
Over the past 15 years I have had two separate doctors comment on my thyroid- that it was enlarged- but they did blood tests and said it was fine. When I came to Dr. Player she noticed it also, but because of her more in depth blood tests she found there was something going on. She treated me and within 2 weeks my thyroid is no longer enlarged and my neck is noticeably smaller! It was so great to finally get it handled!

Two months ago I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and two large cysts were discovered. Dr. Player has been helping me get my hormones balanced again. Not only did I get my period last month, which is rare for me, but one of my cysts ruptured. My gynecologist wanted to do surgery after the first of the year to remove them. Dr. Player has helped me feel so much better and avoid another surgery!
After only a few treatments with Dr. Player I got rid of my stomach gas which bothered me for years. The help from Dr. Player also resolved a gum-problem. Your help is very appreciated. Thank you very much.
I had a problem that's been giving people trouble through the ages! I came to Dr. Susan Player, and within five minutes she found the trouble, found what was needed to remedy it, and by the time the homeopathic pills had dissolved under my tongue, I was feeling WORLDS better! Thank you Dr. Player for curing the supposedly un-curable!
I first came to Dr. Player for a condition that several other doctors had failed to identify or handle. I had spent quite a bit of time and money on treatments that gave temporary relief of some symptoms, but were so general that they never came close to the actual source of the problem. In fact, my condition was continuing to get worse and would have led to an extremely serious health problem had the true source not been found.
Dr. Player and I together were able to identify an exact substance in a product that I was using on my body that was slowly but surely poisoning me. No other doctor or lab had any clue and since it was affecting my entire lymph system, I probably would not have survived. Thank you, Susan, for saving my life!
-E. H.
After having been working with Susan for a couple of weeks, I have improved a lot! The latest win I had was with my stomach – bowel problems, a lot of gas, pain etc. Needless to say this situation was a big problem for me, embarrassing to say the least.
After the last treatment, and as she really moved in on this specific problem, determined to find out about it and handle it – the problem suddenly disappeared, ceased to exist! This was a pure miracle from my point of view, probably not from hers as she is a very professional person in her field. As I left her office I thought I still had the same problem, but after about an hour I cognited on that something had changed.
I arrived home and ate my dinner. Afterwards, when this problem would normally come into existence, I noticed the difference. There was nothing, no pain, no gas, no bloating, nada, niente, nothing!!! Just a very smooth and comfortable feeling. Well, I thought, let’s wait a while. This just can’t be. So I waited and nothing happened. This was last week when I saw her and the scene is still the same – no problems with my stomach, I am just like a normal person, just probably in better shape than most of them!!
I am telling you this – I am a very happy customer, more than satisfied, probably more like a rave and happy person having gotten more out of her treatments that what I thought was possible!
I strongly recommend Susan! You just can’t get anything better in this field!
- B.W.
After being deathly ill for several days, on top of a long term condition, I had an appointment with Susan and for the first time in a long time I felt really well. I really feel we are working on the area that is going to really break this thing loose for me. Thanks to Susan for being the great doctor that she is.
- J.C.
I’ve had a chronic problem with my intestines and uterus for over thirty years. The last year especially, I’ve had very acute symptoms. Since getting treated by Dr. Player (four times over a month) my body is getting to a level of health never obtained before. My body has improved each week. Needless to say, my ability to function in life has also improved. Thank you Dr. Player.
- A.S.
Susan, Thank you for being such a great doctor. I've gone from being in pain and having attention every day on my digestive system, to feeling normal again. I honestly don't know what I would do at times without access to you and your knowledge. I feel lucky with you as my doctor!
- L.D.
Dear Susan,
I just got done with my exam and to me what you do is totally amazing. I knew you were totally amazing, but now I can really relate to what you do after experiencing it myself. It just blows my mind. You are very thorough and until now I thought acupuncture was my best doctor’s experience. I can’t say that anymore. Thanks Susan for your caring ways. “You Rock!”
-Rose A., Part I
I am so excited to finally get the results from my exam. And although I have a few things to fix and can’t wait to get started on my supplements, I would have never thought I have a problem. Even though nothing is severe, nonetheless I have to get myself back in order. I never would have known I have a problem had I not been in your care. Now I am ready to fix them. My body will work more efficiently and I will be able to “work” more efficiently. Thank you Susan for all your hard work you are truly an amazing Doctor. I am looking forward to moving to the next level.
-Rose A., Part II
Following your recommendations regarding eating more protein and complex carbs, I don’t feel tired at mid-morning like I did before. I am also falling asleep easier and I have noticed my energy level is higher.
I am truly feeling tons better by just increasing my food intake. Duh! I can’t wait to see you again so you can check my progress.
Thanks so much for all you do.
-Rose A., Part III
Hi Susan,
I just wanted to let you know my hand is feeling 110% better than a few weeks ago, thanks for the time you took and the supplements you recommended. I don’t have the constant pain like I did. Every once in a while I will get a sharp pain in my right thumb area from lifting something heavy, but other than that I feel like my hand is almost new.
My many thanks to such a caring doctor.
Susan treated me for hand numbness after I had twisted my neck a funny way on my bike.
The numbness was not going away on its own and Susan found the underlying cause. After just a few treatments and taking the recommended supplements the numbness is gone. I’ve started doing pushups and pull-ups again, and as a bonus I’ve also been sleeping better.
Thanks, Susan!
As you can hear my voice is better. I feel better. My throat has stopped hurting. You are a miracle worker! I love you! Thank you so much for taking me in and seeing me yesterday! I really appreciate it! Thank you so much!
Hi Susan,
I just wanted to let you know my hand is feeling 110% better than a few weeks ago, thanks for the time you took and the supplements you recommended. I don’t have the constant pain like I did. Every once in a while I will get a sharp pain in my right thumb area from lifting something heavy, but other than that I feel like my hand is almost new.
My many thanks to such a caring doctor.
I just had to drive over and show Susan how well my body works when it agrees with me and does what I say! Sweet!
Thanks Susan!
Thanks from the bottom of my heart! My daughter has made such an improvement since your treatment. You have been successful where conventional doctors have not.
Thank you Susan!
I need to let you know how incredibly much affinity & understanding you create in your practice. The help and competence I got there truly changed my lifestyle and that of my family and friends!
Much love.
Thank you so much for doing my exam. I know you will make me feel better, you are the best doctor ever!
Recently, I have been spending the first hour or so of my day, sitting uncomfortably on my toilet on an almost daily basis. In addition to a decrease in appetite and constant burping and dry heaving fits, some mornings also included puking. Susan recommended that I immediately end a particular flavored sweetener to my drinks and drink a lot of water instead. Only a few short days later, I’m already feeling my appetite grow back and spending the first hour of my day eating breakfast, not complaining about the previous night’s dinner.
Thanks so much!
I came in for treatment for a car accident 3 months ago and I am very happy that I am now all better!
Susan’s treatments and supplements were very key to healing the injuries from the accident and now I feel like I never got hurt in the first place.
Thank you!
This was the most unique and special workplace I have ever been in. I am thankful to have found out about the services Susan offers and witness “miracles.”
Well, Susan did her usual magic and even though I am going through menopause now, I feel terrific. She did such a great job handling all my menopause symptoms, I don’t need any kind of menopause cream, like Progesterone. And, I know I can count on her to always handle any strange body problem that creeps up from time to time.
I really enjoyed the workshop. It gives information to help make everyday living better. It is very generous and caring. Thank you Susan!
When I heard Dr. Susan Diagnostic, I felt secured and said to myself “she is the doctor I was waiting to meet in my entire life.”
The accuracy is magical. Her way is unique and so effective that in 5 weeks my body stopped the “usual” dwindling spiral of age and started to adjust and detox. So I regained energy, vitality, got thinner, some of my hair loss, etc.
My posture got straightened up. My attention on the body is nil now, with you as my doctor, I am sure I will be more and more healthy.
I am so happy to have you Dr. Susan, I love being treated by you as you never bypass me and I feel great.
With my high admiration,
After a course of action was determined, Dr. Player began and ended a cycle of action. This resulted in my feeling WAY more like a “Being,” rather than SO much “Human” being!
Kudos, Dr. Player…..thank you!
My face is softer and my shin is back to normal, but the compliments that I am having on my radiant healthy skin is far, far more than before….Thanks Susan!!!
I’m very excited to keep Susan as my Dr. even after I’m gone, and for me to find a Dr. I trust is super rare, and knowing she cares for me in return is a super clincher!
My warmest thanks! You treated me this afternoon for a very unpleasant yeast infection. By the time I got home from my appointment, the discomfort was GONE! You can’t get those results anywhere else!
I enjoyed all the education and think it will help me and others. I’d like to share it with others to help them too. I had several realizations. Thank you.
This event acknowledged what I’ve been dong with my wife, Zorica, helping her with what she told me from her visits and workshop. Now that I have first hand exposition to Dr. Player’s techniques, knowledge, and experience, I can do more to help my wife and myself. I am looking forward to doing more with Dr. Player.
Dear Susan,
I was here for the first time. It was amazed for me what you did. I had a shoulder problem for several months and no doctor in Germany could help me. The problem with my shoulder was stuck. You found out in 2 treatments what was the reason. My body is feeling much better and I know I am on the right way now. I feel much more relaxed.
Than you very much for our help.
When I started the treatment with Susan I was very very sick. Susan took up in the right sequence what was needed and brought me up to a level of total health!!! She did a great job of always knowing what is the next. Susan was not worrying but always knowing! Your positions, your competence and caring gave me a new life. I’m in deep gratitude and deep respect!
When I first started seeing Susan I was 70 years old. 8 months later I am 71 years young. While Susan is a doctor, I have never, in all my years, encountered someone who truly understands what that means, at least from the perspective of the patient. I always know that she will listen, she will pay attention to each and every nuance her examination brings forward (and share the findings with me) and finally, I will leave her office truly feeling and being “better” than when I entered. In the last eight month, my digestive tract has improved dramatically. A fall taken 30 odd years ago that left me in chronic pain for the first 10 years, then simmered down to a constant awareness that forced my entire left side to literally go out of shape to protect it—has been completely cured. My bones are happily (though not always quietly) healing from old wounds. And most profoundly, I have gotten my mind back. I shall probably be forever detoxing aluminum—at least it feels that way. Lastly, my energy. My current problem is trying to deal with all this new energy—at my age, it’s almost embarrassing. Thank you Susan.
I have suffered from reoccurring yeast infections since I was a teenager. A couple of years ago, they got so bad that my doctor wanted to hospitalize me with a Diffucen IV. I could never seem to get rid of them. Dr. Player started treating me and put me on probiotics about 3 months ago. I have not had one yeast infection since. Dr. Player has saved me from this daily problem. Thank you so much!
This month was a crazy one for me. I just got a brand new job and had to pull a lot of long and hectic hours. It’s December so I also had to juggle in my holiday family schedule. On top of that my best friend decided to get married two days before Christmas and I had a boatload of bridesmaid duties ahead of me! I saw Susan when I was quite a frazzled mess over all of this. She got me to take Core Level Adrenal and it made a WORLD of difference! The grouchy edge I had because of all my obligations softened dramatically. I was actually in a good mood!
Thank you Susan, for saving Xmas, making my job go smoother, and ensuring my friend had a great wedding!! XOXO
I had overworked, over-exercised, AND taken a medication that caused my low back to feel as if it had suddenly exploded. As someone who had never had sever back pain, the shock and pain was unbearable. I cancelled all of my clients for the day and stayed in bed, which was still painful and terrifying.
I had an existing appt with Susan the following day – having already gone to massage for an hour, adjustments with a chiropractor, and still not getting relief. I arrive at Susan’s happy but ready to cry. She brought me in, we began our session, and she treated me. The pain throughout my entire sacrum vanished afterward, and she was able to identify the cause of the sudden pain and give me a solution that was very real to me.
She was able to do what I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to do for two days, which was stop my pain and find the source of the problem.
Thank you!!! J
I like Dr. Player because she is patient and caring and very knowledgeable. She made me feel very comfortable.
This past week I was sick with a virus and couldn’t get rid of the runny, stuffed up nose and resulting pressure headaches. After a short treatment and steady supplements, I was feeling better and 100% within a few short days, minus some drainage as I detoxed. Thanks Susan for helping me rid myself of this cold faster than lightening!
Susan is truly one of the best anywhere to be had. I even tell people here in Spokane about this great doctor in Florida who is ethical, really cares, has high integrity and attends to detail regarding her patients.
What Dr. Player does is the most amazing thing, really. She is in communication with the body in a way I have never seen in anyone else. She has some of the most powerful skills on earth. I know that sounds overstated, but you have to experience it! Somehow the body communicates to her (through her technology) exactly what is wrong, and then exactly what needs to be treated. Like yesterday, she was treating me, and had my fingers in certain position, and then checked things out and went ‘hmmm…the way your fingers are now, usually indicates that two bones need adjusting, like they need to be separated, or brought together, or something like that. In this case, it’s your ovaries – your left one needs to be adjusted up, and your right one needs to be adjusted down. That’s the first time I’ve seen that in my 25 years of practice!’ It was crazy, and the fact that she knew exactly what to do, even though she had never seen it before, was amazing. She’s never ‘poking in the dark’, she always knows exactly what to do! For instance about 2 weeks ago I was having horrible diarrhea, and she discovered that I was detoxing hormones from birth control pills (that I took 15 years ago!!), and that my large and small intestines were not even affected, it was purely my uterus! Again, it was something she had never seen before, but she knew exactly how to treat me. I had been running to the bathroom with liquid diarrhea every 10 minutes or so. After her treatment, I didn’t have even ONE more episode of diarrhea! And the next day I was having normal bowel movements – the difference was AMAZING!!!
I was experiencing pain in my right shoulder area, it was dull pain all day. I could not sleep the night before because I couldn’t find a comfortable position for my arm to lay. After Dr. Player’s treatment & supplements, my drive home was more pleasant. In her office I couldn’t raise my arm above elbow height, by the time I reached home, for me is 2 hours, I could move it up over my head. Whatever she did was truly amazing.
Thanks to Dr. Player I’m feeling much better.
In the beginning of March, I started feeling symptoms of the flu. At that time, I was unable to see Susan right away. I ended up getting the flu pretty bad. When I was able to finally come in and get treatment, the length of time I was sick decreased greatly. A couple weeks later, I started feeling the fl-like symptoms again. This was 2 days before I was flying out of state for Easter. I had Susan treat me that day and I got started on the recommended supplements. That kicked it right away!! Not only was I feeling better by the next day, but I had a great trip. Thanks you so much, Susan!
"Susan can help a human body in ways most people don't even know exist. She is amazing. I think every family needs to know about her and what she can do."
Today I received my first treatment! Certain allergies were identified that made so much sense! The best part was the accupressure. My body became so relaxed and warm. I feel so good at this moment, I don’t want to leave the office.
I have put off my health for so many years and almost did not ake it in today. But thanks to Susan's ethics policy and caring, I made it in and am so happy for it.
Coming in today has many benefits in addition to my health. It is allowing me to pursue other very important things to which my good health is dependant on. Thanks Susan!
Medical doctors examine and test and advise, but Dr. Player really does something for me each time I come that helps to improve my condition.
I came into Dr. Player’s office barely able to walk – feeling very “crippled” in both of my legs. I walked out with a bounce in my walk similar to a seasoned ballerina in her prime and a definite sparkle in my eyes and a smile on my face.
Dr. Player’s ability to create this is utterly and completely awesome! Thanks VERY much, (this is only the shortened version and the wins are actually more than I can say.)
My son had an awful skin rash that was persisting for several months. Attempting to ease his discomfort, we took him to 4 doctors, including two dermatologists who weren’t able to get rid of the rash or the discomfort nor tell us what the cause of the rash was… We, his parents were puzzled and worried because the rash was persisting AND spreading. After only one appointment with Dr. Susan – by the following day after this appointment, his rash began to disappear. Several days later there was a 70% improvement and after three weeks the rash and discomfort were both totally gone! This was quite a speedy change!!!
Somehow, Susan has gotten even smarter, in fact measuring genius. She has found a big buried [cause of the health problem] and is totally handling the problem. I know she will handle it to a done. I am so lucky to have found her.